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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food - oftentimes thoughts in my head or even write pieces about love or life. Hope you have a nice stay!

Are Words just plain 'Words?'

Are Words just plain 'Words?'

This is a story about life - and building connections with each other. This is a story about boy meets girl, who thought things ‘make sense’ and then it’s not. This is a story about simple attraction, love, fights, dilemma, and then lost.

There was a young boy who meet a young girl - let’s just say a decade ago. There was a time when the young boy liked the girl but she didn’t feel the same way. He thought it was love and she thought it was too young for her or him to understand the true meaning of love. Time flies - and then life did go on, until - they meet again, suddenly - in a different setting.

She went through love and lost. She was in a long-term relationships over the years and finally understand the word of compromising to find her future partner in crime, partner in everything and more importantly - someone who she can call her best friend. She was hurt, she was in pain but she managed the get back up every time. She grieved when love was lost, she let herself become vulnerable when she was all alone - promising herself not to go through the same mistakes again. She is willing to learn and live up to her mistakes overtime. She took a break from being found by the wrong people - until, he came.

On the other hand, he went through love and lost - in a different way. He was in a dating bubble, when he would go on dates a little too often. He found someone in the end - he did go through above and beyond, the love, the fights, the pain and also lost. He took her for granted and lost her - in the end, realizing it was a mistake he made that couldn’t be saved any longer. His heart got broken - at least for awhile, but he never grieved. He moved on with his life - finding convenience to fill up the emptiness and holes that he had, without grieving - Consuming the temporary infatuation from different people - until, she came or the one who could’ve been the one.

The two met with baggage and weight that they both carry. He talked to her and opened up about his past, she hesitated but she took it all in and accept him fully - promising herself in her heart that she’ll try to give out the best for him because she knew - he could be the one she was looking for. “what are the odds?” she thought. “What are the odds that we meet again here, now, in this time. Maybe timing is all I - we needed, because I never felt so sure with someone until now.” She tried to open up bit by bit and let herself become vulnerable once again, letting him in her heart slowly but sure. He wanted to rush things, she told me to slow down so they know for sure this is it, even though she knew “this is it.”

A month goes by, things were perfect. They experienced long distance for a while but they managed to put it up - she trusted him, fully when it was hard for her to trust people. He gave her his heart and said “you are my person, my support system. I understand now, why we didn’t work out before. Now, I’m so sure of you, you’re real.”

Two months, two months. Two months were the time when he started to change and she became so lost. She tried to put up a smile until she couldn’t anymore. She tried to talk to him and told him he needed to grieve. He brushed it off and said “this is me.”


she wondered if words are just plain words - empty without any deep meaning behind it. Once again, she thinks she failed. She got tired of being the patient one and started to let go - and him? Well, he didn’t fight for “what’s supposed to be.” He thought, they didn’t meet at the right time.

she began her day of lost with her head held high. She let herself grief and promised herself to never let people break her. Once again - she is waiting for the right time to meet the right person.

Looking at this story , it seems that love is a funny word and we can never crack the code. The meaning behind it - the idea of someone who would share their world with you. Aren’t we living in a world full of questions? We seem to understand what it meant but it’s hard for us to find the right ones, the ones who we can compromise and click. Until that day comes - I begin to understand the feeling of real love..

Pierre - Jakarta

Pierre - Jakarta

Locavore Rintik Rintik (Akar - Jakarta)

Locavore Rintik Rintik (Akar - Jakarta)