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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food - oftentimes thoughts in my head or even write pieces about love or life. Hope you have a nice stay!

Taste Good - Singapore

do you ever feel like you know you're making a mistake but you don't feel guilty at all? That's exactly how I feel whenever I got this Salted Egg Chicken in Taste Good. Don't get tricked by their business hour (they open at 9 am), they don't serve the famous Salted Egg Chicken until 12! O


Taste *really* good.

Back to the heavenly taste of this purrfect dish: it's salty, it's creamy, it's a bit spicy. It's the kind of "LIT" feeling inside your mouth! Yum! Dear me, sorry to say, I just failed my So-Called-Diet but I love it? ❣️ An 8/10 indeed. 

Drury Lane - Singapore

Drury Lane - Singapore