4th of July.
The crowd always cheer-out-loud and getting wild when July 4th came around. Trying to hide from the crowd but well, I’m one of them. All of the nostalgic memories come back to life when it comes to remembering my American days.
From the first day of class when I was in college.
From the day I had to move cities - from Seattle to Los Angeles.
From getting that first alcohol drinks (don’t give me that look cause I know you’ve done it too!).
From hating coffee to find the love of coffee.
From exploring different cities whether it was road trips or fly outside the city.
From getting around places trying out different food, cafes and also visiting different exhibitions.
From discovering the love of Boxing at PREVAIL.
From going to Las Vegas for at least twice a month (and it turns to every week for the whole month of summer).
From going to my first Coachella, first EDC, first rave and first parties.
From getting my Bachelors Degree & getting my first job.
To finally - leaving my ‘Home.’
Isn’t it crazy how time flies in a blink of an eye? The first time we fall in love, the first time we experience heartbreak and at the same time creating moments and find the people that matters for us.
The idea of American dream is going to always be in our head - especially us, who lived there for some quite time. I’ve always enjoyed my time there and without me realizing it, the hardest day finally came - the day we had to leave all that’s left behind.
It’s been 2 years since I went back for good and it’s still hard for me to accept the fact that LA is just not my real home. A long journey has it been & never have I ever thought how boring it’s gonna get when I visit there in the future. I am still stuck in the past and oftentimes have many dreams of me still being physically there, living with all this happiness.
However, as time goes by, I realize that I need to keep on going or else I won’t be able to survive. I have to keep on going forward and love my current home & always be ready for changes. So - thank you LA, for always being my home to go to.
Don’t let Trump tear you apart.”