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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food - oftentimes thoughts in my head or even write pieces about love or life. Hope you have a nice stay!

A Letter for You.

A Letter for You.

Another year, another month, another question popped in my head after knowing things won’t be the same as it was.

This is a letter for You,

Why do I have to go through the same feeling over and over again? Uncertainties after uncertainties, tear after tears stream down my face, is this really the answer to my prayer of begging You to lead me to the one? Failing, once again and I don’t know when it’ll end.

One day, I was given a certain answer after almost four years of being unsure, when I wanted to give up on the term of ‘true-love,’ when I let go of the person I thought was the one.. only for You to lead me again to the person who I know is not the one..again.

It hurts so much until I couldn’t breathe, remembering the good signs You’ve given me when I didn’t want to pursue, when I had my overthinkings of not being sure with him, instead of asking me to run away, you asked me to Stay until I found out he’s not the person I thought he was..

Is it Your plan to always hurt me? is it Your plan to always break my heart every,single,day of my life? Now I understand, the word LOVE is not meant for me, so thank you - for making me realized, and hurt, once again, this is the end of finding and believing true love - because there’s no one for me, according to You.

Midnight Rain.

Midnight Rain.

What a Time.

What a Time.