2.5 hours that turns into the best moment in my life. Why? The word OMAKASE is one of my favorite words. Being able to experience Omakase in Japan in one of the best restaurants (it’s no Jiro Sushi but I’m pretty much, satisfied) was the best, feeling, ever. It was kind of hard to get reservations in these kinds of restaurants because Japanese are pretty crazy about going to trying different spots every day, and don’t forget the number of tourists in Japan!
I had the opportunity to try Kyubey Main Restaurant (thanks to my foodie brother who happened to have his honeymoon in JAPAN), he kinda had the 'so-called-knowedge’ on how to get reservations (easier if you stay in a hotel and ask them to book it for you, a 70% chance to get the reservation faster).
Here are the highlights of my 18 sushi with 1 still-half-alive fella ;) an 8.5 omakase experience!