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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food - oftentimes thoughts in my head or even write pieces about love or life. Hope you have a nice stay!

"Are You Okay?"

"Are You Okay?"

It’s safe to say that this is a weird - odd - challenging situations in life at this moment. As you guys know (well the whole world are experiencing it), this pandemic season of Quarantining because of Covid-19 is slowly becoming the “New Normal.” I mean, is it?

Honestly, the first month when this outbreak happened, I watched the news almost every day and becoming kind-of scared because of the situation. People have been worrying because they can’t actually hangout outside their houses anymore - having night outs, go to malls, or simply have breakfast - lunch - dinner at nice places. But it quickly changed when 80-90% of us find a new hobby at home such as baking or simply just staying in playing games every day.


We seem to be healthy on the physical side - but really, the big question is are you mentally okay? I for one am quite used to staying at home before this quarantine happens because I needed the time to be with myself - making the time for myself. I realized that most of the time I focus on pleasing people and always avoid my screaming voices inside of me saying that I needed the break.

I feel that one of the things that is challenging me at most right now is how time flies without me realizing it, how I thought a day is long enough - changed into a new week in a blink of an eye. I know everything will come into place - but the uncertainty of where my journey takes me to really scares me the most. Staying active and productive are two of the important things I do every day to keep me sane such as working out, baking, reading books, taking online courses and find ways how to become a happier me for instance. We might live in our shadows for a while - and I for one always feel that some people taken things for granted. True colors are becoming visible after this outbreak happen.

My feelings are shared because I am experiencing this and not only this time - it happens a couple of a times even before this quarantine happens. Sometimes I wonder - is it me? is it me and just myself who is not enough to have a good relationships/friendships. There are always room for improvements and I live each day to become a whole new person - with some changes and tweaks of my mindset. I lived in fear for awhile and been broken down before.

One of the reasons I’ve distanced myself from being actively social or simply looking at Instagram / other social media platforms that I have is because a lot of things come up to my mind. This is where my INFJ negative thoughts came along. Sure, I’m a pretty much a very reserved person and sure - I still think about how to turn my bad habits into good and of course - some part of me wished that I could go back in time and apologize to the people I hurt the most (and sometimes I still do think about it). And bad things happen because maybe it’s what I deserve atm. It’s just where my thoughts are wandering around.

But - a message of hope keeps on playing in my head and I keep going because of that reminder every day. I hope you’ll do the same too because without having a good perspective in life - you’ll be easily teared down. Find a purpose, find a good friend - a true friend, get a good partner for the rest of your life and stay sane by doing different kinds of activities that you enjoy. I Hope you are okay and safe and hopeful.

Hear It From Me.

Hear It From Me.

Here’s Looking at You - Los Angeles

Here’s Looking at You - Los Angeles