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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food - oftentimes thoughts in my head or even write pieces about love or life. Hope you have a nice stay!

The One and Only., 22nd June 2022

The One and Only., 22nd June 2022

“We can try again, please.”

Last few words, last few chances, until we don’t know what’s okay and not to say. In every single problem that we face, we used to talk it out - instead of giving up. Now we both just say sorry after we say the things we regret the most, I was hoping we could figure things out..but turns out we’re just a complete mess and hold on to each other in life. We know we needed each other during the good and bad times, but in the end we took each other for granted.

This is my last words to you, I’m sorry for not being the person that’s enough for you, loving you were the easiest and best things I can express to you, the honeymoon period, the post-honeymoon period, my love for you grew bigger and bigger each time’s still not enough for you.

It never gets better than this type of love.. Now I understand the feeling when people just naively say things like “it’s less than one year, should be easy to move on.”

The fact is? When you’ve had the whole thought of building a future, building a life together, thinking this is the moment - the final one & the one you’ve been waiting for years - yet ended up breaking again. The memories that count, the happiness, the struggles and the tears that we both shared - it’s deeper than that. We promised each other forever, but forever is not something we can give to both of us, isn’t it?

Before The Year Ends.

Before The Year Ends.

is Love "Overrated?" or is it just us, girls need to settle down "Just-Because?"

is Love "Overrated?" or is it just us, girls need to settle down "Just-Because?"